Inspectors of services from some ministerial departments upgrade control techniques.

Inspectors of services from some ministerial departments upgrade control techniques.

In a bid to harmonize control mechanisms and bridge audit reports inadequacies gap, the Supreme State Audit Office organized a capacity building workshop for Inspectors of Services from some 17 Ministerial Departments. The training which held in Yaoundé between the 06th to the 17th of March 2017 under the auspices of the Minister Delegate at the Presidency in charge of the Supreme State Audit Office, Madam MBAH ACHA Rose FOMUNDAM, focused on “Methodology and Techniques in Verification”.

The Inspectors of Services, who are Internal Auditors in their various Ministries during the two weeks training were equipped with techniques and methodologies to enable them carry out controls and verifications according to national and international standards. The training did not only conform to the traditional guidance and training role of the CONSUPE towards other administrations, but also harmonizes techniques in carrying out verifications and controls.

The importance of the training according to the Minister of CONSUPE, cannot be over emphasized because most often, audit reports of Inspectors of Services sent to CONSUPE are empty with little or no proofs before the CDBF. Minister MBAH ACHA Rose FOMUNDAM in this light prescribed professionalism and competence as benchmarks for Internal Auditors in a bid to gain credibility.

The training workshop marked the launching of the CONSUPE training activities for 2017.
