International Conference on Illicit Financial Flows (IFF)

The General Secretariat of AFROSAI (African Organisation of Supreme Audit Institutions) hosted by CONSUPE is pleased to announce the holding of an  International Conference In Yaoundé, Hilton Hotel, from 24 to 26 May 2017 on the theme “Illicit Financial Flows” organized by the network of Good Financial Governance (GFG) in Africa.

The GFG network works to promote good governance in the public finance sector and brings together the following organizations:

-African Tax Administration Forum (ATAF);

-Collaborative Africa Budget Reform Initiative (CABRI);

-African Organisation of Public Accounts Committee (AFROPAC);

-The African Organization of Supreme Audit Institutions (AFROSAI).

The main areas of action of the network are linked to the cycle of public finance management and are based on optimizing the mobilization of fiscal resources, improving fiscal transparency, strengthening external auditing of public finances and the development of parliamentary oversight of public finances.

The activities of the network are coordinated by the GIZ within the framework of the Good Financial Governance in Africa Programme set up in 2013 and financed by the European Union and the German Government.

The International Conference on Illicit Financial Flows is organized with the financial support of GIZ, the European Union and the Supreme Audit Institution, SAI, of Cameroon in collaboration with the General Secretariat of AFROSAI.


The aim of this conference is not only to enable all the participants to develop a common understanding of illicit financial flows but also to be sensitized on actions undertaken by other actors in the fight against the said flows.

More specifically, it will permit : 

-       attendees to develop a shared and more nuanced understanding of IFF’s challenges including the different pillars and levels.

-       attendees to re-affirm their commitment to the Good Financial Governance by underscoring the importance of cooperation (GFG approach), and ensuring the sustainability of the network.

-       networks to present their tools to tackle IFF. 


-A common and shared understanding of the stakes and impacts of illicit financial flows on the development of African countries ;

-Drafting of a concerted action plan on the activities to be carried out by the members of the network in the fight against the illicit financial flows ;

-Put in place a mechanism to monitor the implementation of the Action Plan.


The Conference is open to experts and professionals of the Good Governance Network in Africa, notably :

-Supreme Audit Institutions (SAIs) of the African Organization of Supreme Audit Institutions (AFROSAI) ;

-Senators and Parliamentarians of the Budget and Finance Committees, as well as Parliamentary Account Commitees in African Parliaments ;

-Institutions and Agencies in African countries in charge of Budget and the Taxation ;

-The African Union experts from the Secretariat of the High-Level Group on Illicit Financial Flows from Africa ;

-Technical and financial partners (BAD, WB, GIZ, European Union……) ;

-Institutions and NGOs involved in the management of Public finance (GABAC, ITIE) ;

-Others experts and NGOs.


The working language of the conference will be French and English.
